I really don’t want to write about any of this.
You may have seen the latest brouhaha regarding the Chief Rabbinate’s misguided questioning of Rabbi Avi Weiss. If not, here are a few articles:
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah felt it reached the point that a response was needed and issued this:
I am sure we’ll now also see (if we care to waste more time on this) opinions about why the Chief Rabbinate is right to question people with “liberal” views that are “outside the mainstream,” and this is not just about Rav Avi. All rabbis should be vetted, etc. Blah, blah, blah.
Once again, more light than heat. Is this really necessary? Let’s move on, people! I am sure everyone can identify one agenda item more important than this. PLEASE DO SO!
As for me, Rav Avi is a Jewish hero. I don’t agree with everything he does nor do I expect him to agree with everything I do. But to question his commitment? This is a new low.
Well said!